Living for the weekend, wondering "Is this it?!"
That was me a few years ago. And maybe that’s you right now too?
I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfil you the way you once thought it would. To feel trapped by the time and money spent on your education and job experience that have led you to exactly where you are, but make it feel impossible to do anything different. To be scared by the thought of change and to not know what to do next.
I also know what it’s like to feel free from the shackles of “shoulds” - the expectations we put on ourselves, and the ones put on us by other people or society - and to live and work in a way that is fully aligned with what I love and makes me happy.
That’s what I want for you.
My goal is to get you from feeling stuck to living your best life, doing work that lights you up.
Imagine loving your Mondays...

Hi, I'm Karen
I’m a certified career and mental fitness coach and I am here to tell you…
It is possible to wake up on a Monday morning excited about the week ahead, to love your work.
I coach ambitious professionals who know they are in a role that’s no longer right for them but feel trapped having worked SO hard to get there.
I help them figure out what is holding them back, what is important to them and what they need to be happy, so they can show up every day doing work they love instead of feeling stuck.
Meaning, impact and joy are here for the taking!
What my clients love about working with me:
Clarity on their values, strengths, interests, and the work they’d love to do.
Confidence that comes from silencing your inner critic and believing in your ability. This becomes the fuel that enables you to reach for your work and life goals.
Focus and forward momentum that happens once you know what you truly need to be happy and feel fulfilled.
Accountability - I’ll check in with you between sessions to offer support and keep you on track, despite life’s distractions (and the inevitable confidence gremlin).
My warm, empathetic coaching style. I’m not here to be hard on you. I’m here to ask you the right questions and give you a new perspective and the tools to break through your blocks. If needed I will also give you a friendly kick up the bum!
My coaching toolkit which draws on the science of happiness (Positive Psychology), proven self-development and Mental Fitness tools as well as my own career experience and career transition.
Mine was the classic case: I graduated from uni, joined a well-known FTSE 100's corporate graduate trainee program, and worked hard to progress in my career. I dreamed of working on the global flagship brand. Determined, I made it happen and was ecstatic, but after a while, a nagging feeling settled in. Something was missing. It just wasn’t as fulfilling as I’d thought.
On a leadership course, I had my first taste of coaching and loved it. The theory, the practice, all of it! I pondered becoming a qualified coach but quickly dismissed it. I was in a job that I’d worked hard to win. I couldn't walk away from that!?
It wasn’t until I had my first child that I allowed myself to ask the tough questions: Was I happy there? Could I see myself doing this job for years to come? Was it right for me and my family? Did I need to make a change?
A career coach helped me figure out what was holding me back, what was important to me and what I needed to be happy. I had career clarity at last and it felt amazing!
A few years after my first coaching experience I took the plunge to become a qualified coach. When I coached my first clients and saw the “aha” light go on in their eyes - I knew this was exactly what I wanted from my work.
Meaning. Purpose. Impact.
The ability to help others unlock their potential and find more happiness at work.
How I went from stuck to thriving (it wasn’t easy!)
Now I coach other professionals who are ready to make a change but aren’t sure what to do next.
To find that clarity, we look at:
Your values & your vision for your work (and life!)
What gives you a sense of purpose and meaning
Your skills, strengths, interests & passions
Your ideal work environment and day
To gain the confidence to pursue your vision, I teach you how to:
Silence your inner critic - our thoughts can stop us in our tracks if we let them
Identify what you excel in doing
Treat yourself with compassion and practice positive self-talk
Cultivate a more accurate perception of yourself (you’re really quite amazing!)
And I help you take the next steps towards a career you love, by:
Creating a step-by-step plan
Keeping you accountable with regular check-ins
Helping you troubleshoot obstacles (and see them through new lenses that may reveal they aren’t obstacles at all)
Supporting your progress with workbooks, tools and techniques you can use time and time again
“I’ve been going round in circles for a long time, trying to decide how to move forward with my career. Flip-flopping in my mind between one passion and another. With her incisive questions, Karen has helped me untangle my head and see clearly both where my true passions lie and what I’m going to do next. She’s warm but firm and completely focused on getting you to where you want to go (and helping you recognise your skills). Feeling very confident now - thank you!”
Jen, Comms Consultant
My coaching clients come from a range of companies and backgrounds from large FTSE 100 corporates to smaller companies.
Still reading?
As your coach, I learn about your dreams, desires, fears and struggles. It only seems fair you learn a little more about me.
A few random facts about me:
I grew up in Germany and live in Hove (UK), but my accent makes most people think I’m South African.
I am a bit of a foodie. Eating a delicious, beautifully presented meal makes me SO happy.
Backpacking around South-East Asia with my husband after we graduated was one of the best times in my life. We have loved exploring new countries ever since.
My year of saying ‘YES’ more led me to start all year cold water swimming (and yes, I had a New Year’s dip!) and abseiling the Brighton i360 (162m high!).
My results-focus (German genes?) coupled with a caring nature are a winning coaching combination.
I love personal development and the science of happiness and am fascinated by how amazing the human mind is.
Ready to make a change?
Schedule a no-cost call to learn if I’m the right person to help you do it.